Thursday, May 10, 2007

Finding the Silver Lining

One advantage to being unemployed is that on a bright sunny beautiful spring day like today, instead of being cooped up in a boring office like most of everyone I know, I was actually able to go out and meet up with a friend for lunch on Gerrard St - Little India - and simply "catch up".

Paul and I meandered our way through a $6.99 buffet lunch - making sure we tried ALL 18 featured dishes, then wandered around the area nibbling on kulfi (Indian icecream) and even stopped to pick up some bargain Hindi movie DVDs for a mere $3.99 a piece!

We were not quite done with playing catch up, so we both hopped onto the street car and rode it all the way in to Queen's Park and then slowly made our way up University to Bloor drinking in the freshly green trees and smiling, nodding tulips all along the way.

Picked up a copy of The Ex Factor by Andrea Semple on a whim and got quite lost in it on the subway ride home. In the genre of chit lit the likes of the Shopaholic books, this one too is a easy breazy read and actually makes me laugh about some of the things I've been experiencing lately! So hurrah for fluff factor books!

The storm clouds are moving in again and by the heaviness in the air we're in for a stormy night. Hope tomorrow dawns nice and clear as I have an interview with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) and I'm really really hoping they like me coz the position is a terrific one!

*fingers crossed*

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