Looking for employment is a full time job in itself! Compound that with playing tour guide to a visiting cousin, trying to complete about 100 odd jobs around the house AND watching season 3 of Buffy.... well.... my days are just packed full to the brim!
Must finally hit the sac now - after all tomorrow is another soul searching, job hunting, chore filled day!
It's only Wednesday and already this week has been super hectic! Highlights include playing personal photographer the same visiting cousin who insisted she didn't get enough camera time at the wee one's communion. So went over to their place on Monday night where the kids and her got dressed up and I took a whole bunch of shots. The hardest part of that gig was getting Captain to shut up while I was taking the pics! She just CANNOT stop talking! I will not take responsibility if she has her mouth wide open in all of the shots!
Played tour guide all of Tuesday as I showed Captain the sights and sounds of downtown T Dot. Had to condend with much "Can we sit down now? When do we get to shop? Are we there yet?" along the way - alarming when its coming from a 32 yr old! Still, she seemed to have a good time and that was the purpose so I'll pass on the minor inconvenient details!
Passed my "charge" onto the aunt at the GO station at 5:15 and enjoyed the rest of the evening hanging with Brooksy and his gal at the ballgame where the Yankees were in town. Jays beat the Yanks 3-2 and the defining moment of the game was watching Aaron Hill catch Yankee pitcher Andy Pettitte napping and steal home right under his nose!
Started today off bright and early with an interview for what sounds like a totally amazing postion with a Not for Profit organization. The recruiters I interviewed with seemed impressed with my experience and hopefully I'll hear back on a second interview with reps from the company.
Picked up Captain and took her to dinner on the Danforth where we met up with Trippy. Had an amazing tapas meal at Embrujo Flamenco that included Mejillones Con Queso - grilled mussels with parmesan, Pinchos Morunos - spicy pork kebabs and Avestruz - grilled ostrich in wine! If you're looking for something new with out-of-this-world food, try this place!
Must finally hit the sac now - after all tomorrow is another soul searching, job hunting, chore filled day!