Sunday, October 02, 2005

All the leaves are brown......

Brown and yellow and orange and red. Its just what everything around here looks like.
Over the past 4 years, I've found that Fall is by far one of the prettiest times of the year. Oh sure, Spring is great because it brings the promise of warmer days, Summer has long hours of daylight and holidays and the tiny snowflakes fluttering down turning everything into a Christmas card like scene make Winter special too. But Fall has a charm of its very own. You KNOW that the days are getting shorter... and that there's a definitive chill in the air that makes you snuggle into your jacket when you leave for work every morning. Still, the beauty of the Fall colours almost make it all worthwhile.

September I've found is the kind of month that won't let go of summer, yet announces with the shortening of the days that summer is gone, and fall is here already. On one day, September will lull you into believing that the weather is just perfect for a picnic on Center Island on Saturday afternoon. But when Saturday comes around, you spend the entire morning fumbling for sweaters and waterproof sheets, because it is raining and cold. You look at the picnic lunch you've put together and all the outdoor games you've arranged to have and wonder just HOW you could have been so misguided.

But that's Canadian weather for you, and you soon learn never ever to leave home without first checking the weather forecast. You cannot simply look out the window in the morning and gauge what the day will be like. Oh no. For the morning can begin bright and sunny, by mid-morning it could be windy followed by a brief afternoon tempest with winds up to 40 kph and this could make way to an evening that's hot and humid again! A certain city in Nova Scotia has been recorded to have had all 4 seasonal temperatures in just one day!

October brings with it the final splendour of Fall. By the middle of the month, Mother Nature suddenly realizes that this is no false summer anymore, and that's when she brings out her arsenal! Thunderstorms with raging winds and cold cold cold rain lashing down relentlessly. And that's pretty much where we're at right now! Most of the trees have lost their pretty foliage to the north wind and stand barren, ready to face Old Man Winter. Like me, they stand ready for the cold, and wait for the promise of Spring.

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