Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Last Supper

Beans was over last night to dinner to say hello to Aunty and Uncle. He's known them for a number of years, Aunty especially who had made several trips to G Town when VBF was doing her Masters.

As we sat back after dinner, bellies bursting, Beans began to compliment Aunty on her amazing culinary skills and bemoaned the fact that she didn't visit often enough now, as she had done in the past.

Aunty mentioned that now that VBF was off living with the in-laws, it was harder to come visit as there wasn't any place she (or Uncle) could stay. My being here was just providential. Beans poo pooed her reasons stating that any time they wanted to visit, he had a spare room in his apartment and they were welcome there any time.

Sipping her cup of tea, Aunty smiled at Beans. Thank you my dear, she said. Staying at your house would be lovely. But whatever would I do if you suddenly tire of me and then ask me to leave?

Amid the spatter of badly muffled giggles Beans had the grace to blush. Aunty kept sipping her tea and settled back into the armchair. On the other side of the room Beans shuffled uncomfortably in his seat wondering if the the slight burning in his belly was from the spicy Indian food or from the dab of arsenic that Aunty *may* have dropped into his plate.


CurlyGirlie said...

Love love love VBF's mother!Can I send her some mithai when she gets back???

Anonymous said...

How absolutely wonderful...give Auntie a kiss and hug for me!

the blonde one said...


The Blonde One

The Bride said...

Love it! Yay for acerbic aunties!

Sanchia said...

I *heart* Aunty P.

The Pixy Princess said...

She is TOTALLY the best! My hero! Curlie, perhaps not any mithai as she is diabetic. :)

laurie said...

i now deeply, deeply love your auntie.

Anonymous said...

love and respect auntie! go girl. i would love to have been a fly on the wall.

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