Monday, February 09, 2009

He Came, He Conquered, I Came (Twice)

And so 132 days after he told me that he was planning on visiting me, Beans landed in the T Dot on Saturday.

Trippy and the Beer Baron were on hand to watch me dance, jump and jiggle my way through an agonizing hellish 30 minute wait in the arrival hall at the airport. Yes, they have video clips. But even the anxious "I-need-to-go-potty" like dance didn't prepare them (or the rest of the airport) for the ear splitting shriek I let out when Beans FINALLY walked through the doors. Or my mad dash to get to him where I (apparently) pushed 3 children and 2 old ladies out of my way. Or my spectacular leap right into his waiting arms.

When I finally pulled my lips off his, they drove us home where the much anticipated "Meet the Parents" scene played out. Thankfully there was no talk about milking cats or any other such topics and he hasn't knocked out a family member, nor burned down the backyard - yet. AND most surprisingly, my mother hasn't been the anti-dating, relationship-hating, ball-busting villain that she usually is, but has been a model of hostessing delight. For the record, I'm afraid. BUT, Beans has charmed the proverbial socks off both parents and also the friends - some of who he met at Cosmo Girl's house warming party on Saturday night.

And speaking of socks off, those and more were were discarded for all of yesterday afternoon thanks to les parents being at a christening party and le frere away at work. As I mentioned to Trippy this morning, my FB status should read: Pixy spent last afternoon at the amusement park and enjoyed several extended rides on the sexmobile.

But perhaps that would be socially inappropriate?

1 comment:

CurlyGirlie said...

thank u for the number!

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