Monday, January 28, 2008

Gaining Perspective

Found out on Sunday that my cousin's daughter has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease. She is 12 years old.
This morning I heard that my mum's sister is in the hospital. The doctor's need to take some ovarian tissue samples to send for a biopsy. We won't know anything until Friday - if we're lucky.
Also heard that my mum's brother (who was diagnosed with cancer last month) was rushed to hospital as he was experiencing difficulty breathing.
Then we hear that a close friend back in Bombay was the victim of a hit and run and died due to her severe injuries. 2 other people who were crossing the road alongside her also died. 4 others are in hospital with various injuries.

Somehow a lost bag of books seems inconsequential when someone could potentially loose a father, a husband, a mother, a daughter, an aunt, a grandchild...... a friend.


The Bride said...

Ah some weeks are just too depressing aren't they?

Jo said...

ah, babe. i don't know what to say. life can be shitty sometimes, can't it? DO take care of yourself. BIG hug from tokyo!


Dusty Fog said...

words i guess wont do much when things are so far dreary. I am sure this too shall pass, and sunny days are on the way.
Be well.

Sigsy said...

Oh sweety, I only just read this.
Very sorry to hear about your loss and I hope that all your family members are having a full life.
Go and shine your lovely smile on them.

The Pixy Princess said...

thank you all for your support.

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