Wednesday, October 04, 2006

One year.... and counting

With all the dramatic movement in my life over the past few weeks.... I only just realized that I missed my first blogerversary!

I'm just amazed that I've found enough material to keep at it for a whole year!

And judging by what's in store for the next six months.... I won't be running out of ideas any time soon!

The weather has been all over the map lately. Last week it was cold enough for folks to run scrambling for turtlenecks and gloves (pants - optional) .... yesterday it was warm and sunny ..... today its pissing rain - wet and windy.

I simply MUST do the "changeover" from summer to winter clothes - but its always such a nail-in-the-coffin-of-warm-weather chore that I postpone it as long as I possibly can.

Started West Coast Swing again last evening. I'm coming along nicely! Lots of folks from the Track 1 classes so its nice to see familiar faces. I simply must get meself a nice pair of dance shoes as one of these days I'm prolly going to twist my ankle right off dancing in the wrong kinda shoes. WHY do I have to have ginormous size 9 feet??

1 comment:

Lotus Reads said...

Happu Blogerversary and many,many more!

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