Monday, May 08, 2006

Around the a Lifetime

The other day I was feeling particularly Blah at work... so to distract myself from my current situation I sat down and mapped my journey around the world.
Its all quite first draft... and this is more or less what it looks like.....

Starting off in..... Africa!!
South Africa, Madagascar, Tanzania (Victoria Falls), Kenya, Egypt, Morocco.

Middle East:
Turkey, Israel, Oman, UAE.

Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Poland.

India (big break here to visit family), Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Thailand, Cambodia, Taipei, China, Korea, Japan

South Seas/ Oceania:
Independent Samoa, New Zealand, Australia (Melbourne-Sydney-Brisbane-Darwin-Perth)

South America:
Columbia, Venezuela, Brazil (Rio-Sao Paulo), Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia.... and then back home

Now accepting: applications for travel buddies.
No previous experience needed - just the ability to have fun, drink like a fish and dive into the unknown! And oh - my travel buddy MUST be a morning person - coz I'm NOT... and we both can't afford to be missing early morning connections! At the same time this person must have the ability to get me up and going and steer me to my first cuppa... all without unleashing the dragon within!
Benefits include the chance to see the world in the company of a lovely sunshiny individual - pre 9 am excepted - the opportunity to explore new places and cultures and most of all the sheer daring and adventure of it all!
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