Ironically, in spite of being surrounded by the ash of all evil, G Town has been having the most amazing weather of late. Loath to waste all this excessive sunshine I spent most of yesterday afternoon wandering around the west end and finally settled down on the steps of the Kelvingrove museum for a long read in a warm sunshine.
Later in the evening Gingersnap, Colossus and myself took a drive out to Carmunnock just south of the city. From our vantage point, we had a great view of the sunset over the city. We had hoped that the volcanic ash would provide some interesting vistas, but perhaps we were a day or two too late for that. Still its hard not to find beauty in a sunset and ash or not, this one was just as lovely.
I find this very interesting from a scientific perspective. There appears to be blue sky in some of these photos. In addition, the sun is shining in several of them. Nix, I think you may have uncovered something revolutionary in the Scottish weather.
Lol, I hear you Beastie! We've been having some uncommonly lovely weather of late. I'm just trying to make the very most of it before it all goes bust.
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