Received 2 book store gift vouchers for my birthday and today, I'll be heading out to pick up some copies that I've been looking forward to for a long long time! Both recommended by Lotus, but out of my grasp for lack of funds, soon.... soon... they will be MINE!!!! *insert maniacal laughter*
Thank you to Brown Boy, Gwilo and fake Brown Boy and to the Blonde One and Mr. Blonde One for the vouchers and making me a very very happy book lover!
Sweet Pixy Princess, you're in for a treat! "The Cellist of Sarajevo" is such an amazing read and you'll learn so much from "Geography of Bliss"....excellent picks, both! Are you a movie buff as well? Saw "The Visitor" with Roy Jenkins recently and was quite moved!
Thanks for the reccos! Looking forward to the reads
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